Monday, January 10, 2011

64: My fashionista

I take 8-10 photos a day of Caitrin for her fashion blog (Popping Sequins). She gave me permission to share it here, but asked that if you make comments, you don't mention me (or that you know her). Ha!

I included a PDF below of a sample of the shots from a shoot. What an original she is!


Nutrition Tailor said...

Oh, these photos are treasures!

RedGypsie said...

Love the sunshine, blue belt, and dramatic flair! Apparently it's too warm for a coat or real pants? :-) The snow begets a different reality! She's amazing...what moxy! Love it!

Dalissa 365 said...

Oh great, I think I broke both rules yesterday when I commented on her blog. Tell her she can delete my comment.

I love the photos you take of her!

Unknown said...

Dalissa, she based her "commenting rule" on your comment-LOL Listen, this is a kid who has blocked my ability to have her show up as my daughter on FB. She craves comments on the clothes though, so when I said do you even want me to post it? She said, "I want comments, I just don't want them to mention you or how they know me."

Silly girl! Glad all of you like her clothes. It's worth it to go back through her blog to the first day (older posts) and read forward. I love how judicious she is with smiling posts. Ha ha.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if this breaks the commenting rules, but I was just wondering how well those compact fluorescent bulbs work outside in the winter?

Unknown said...

They do work! Not as bright as the other kind, but they work.

Unknown said...

wow. that's creative!

haha at the commenting rules.

Sandy said...

She is confident and knows who she is and what she likes. I like that.


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