Friday, December 7, 2007
Buckeye feather
(Scarlet, grey and white)
Discovered this cardinal semiplume on top of the bird feeder when I went to add seeds.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Bikes in snow
Picked up Johannah at her dorm today and this is the scene outside. Loved the bikes still lined with snow.
Mossy walk
What a difference a day makes. This was yesterday at about 1:00 p.m. By 2:00, it was overcast. And by nightfall, we had our first snow (see next picture).
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Photographer in training
Last spring, I took all the photos for a friend's shower (for her future daughter in law). I sent them to her and of course posted one on this blog. She loved them which made me feel really good.
Last night we were both at the same cookie exchange and I began taking photos of cookies (close-ups) when Paula (my friend) sidled up next to me to ask how to take good close-ups, like I had at the shower. We both played with our point and shoots, I showing her how to work the settings and what to do to steady the camera. Easy stuff.
She went wild! We could hardly pry the camera from her hands. :) This little Christmas village shot started simply enough, but the next thing you know, she wanted the Christmas tree lit up. A flashlight would not do, the spotlight was too bright. So they rigged a diffuser with this Pier One bag and that's when I knew what my photo of the day had to be. :)
Brava Paula!! (Compliments to lighting director, Susan)
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Bruins blow it
Watched until the bitter end...