Friday, February 23, 2007

Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast, originally uploaded by juliecinci.

I hope to have better photographs for the blog tomorrow after the opening night hoopla, but since Johannah is taking the camera this afternoon, I thought I'd at least post a picture of the marquis over the entrance to the theater. While I was on campus this morning organizing her graduation, I snapped this photo to record the big night. Johannah is a student director. We're so proud of her.


Dancingirl said...

Please congratulate Johannah for me!! I like the photo. Says so much and is a great way to record her big night. Sold out. That's great!

Carol Ann Weaver said...

How did it go?

Scrivener said...

Yeah, so how did it go? How cool to be able to do that sort of thing!

Unknown said...

It was phenomenal! We'll be seeing the show a second time on Friday and I hope to rope her cast member and director friends into a few shots. This school is out of control when it comes to productions. You feel like you're at a professional show.

Thanks for asking.


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