Thursday, February 1, 2007

There is a spoon

There is a spoon, originally uploaded by juliecinci.

My self-portrait for this week reflects my return to reality after leading a virtual life.
The Matrix says "There is no spoon," but today I say "Oh yes there is!"


LauraLiz said...

So nice! Good job on the background colors, too.

I never go to post about your photos with Liam. I just loved his red hair and your green room. Those are priceless shots.

Rachel said...

Now that is really cool--the colors, the angle of the wall, the hand at the spoon's base. Oh, yeah, the gal adds a touch of interest to the photo, too. ;-) Is the orange/green combination a subtle permutation of red pill/blue pill? The Matrix goes yellow???

Do you mind a question? What do you mean by "virtual life"?

Carol Ann Weaver said...

Too cool. Love it!

SUSAN said...

Can you bend the spoon? I love this self-portrait! Soooo creative. :-)


Unknown said...

I wish I could take credit for the idea, but I can't. Jacob was making them and I thought of the Matrix and immediately knew I wanted to use the spoon for a self-portrait.

To answer Rachel's question: The virtual life is one spent in ideas and theology and thoughts about things I can't solve whereas the real world is calling me: cleaning bedrooms, buying furniture, organizing my business, spending time with kiddos, home educating.

Time for the REAL!


Jeff Reeder said...

To put a matrix spin on this....The spoon that was not a spoon actually existed in the matrix, which was the virtual world which was what everyone thought was the real world. The fact that you have now taken a picture of it and displayed it in a virtual world says what about the real world, or says what about the reality of the spoon, or the reality of photography...what is real...ouch, my brain hurts.The matrix always does this to me. Cool picture any way.

Unknown said...

Dalissa, you win the prise for muddying the waters on these reflections. I think I'll go eat some chocolate. :)

Dalissa 365 said...

Oh, honey, don't give me the credit... I hate to say it but I've never even watched the last Matrix movie. The comment was truly from Jeff as are most comments with his name listed. I usually try to repost to let someone know it's me and not him if I've made a mistake. Maybe Jeff and I should combine our names and become Jelissa or Deff?

Colleen said...

Cool self-portrait. I'm laughing about the comment just above, though from our new friend, Deff Jelissa...

Jess said...

Very nice picture! Very creative.

Katrina said...

Creative & fun. You amaze me with all your ideas! :)


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